
The main usage of the Relay was seen in the history for transmitting and receiving the information, that was called as Morse code where the input signals used to be either 1 or 0, these change in signals were mechanically noted in terms of ON and OFF of a light bulb or a beep sound, it means those pulses of 1s and 0s are converted as mechanical ON and OFF using electromagnets. Later this was improvised and used in various applications. Let’s see how this electromagnet acts as a switch and why it is named as RELAY.

What is a Relay?

A relay is classified into many types, a standard and generally used relay is made up of electromagnets which in general used as a switch. Dictionary says that relay means the act of passing something from one thing to another,the same meaning can be applied to this device because the signal received from one side of the device controls the switching operation on the other side. So relay is a switch which controls (open and close) circuits electromechanically. The main operation of this device is to make or break contact with the help of a signal without any human involvement in order to switch it ON or OFF. It is mainly used to control a high powered circuit using a low power signal. Generally a DC signal is used to control circuit which is driven by high voltage like controlling AC home appliances with DC signals from microcontrollers.

Design of a Relay

An electromechanical relay is basically designed using few mechanical parts like Electromagnet, a movable armature, contacts, yoke, and a spring/frame/stand, these parts are showing in the internal pictures of Relay below. All these are arranged logically to form into a relay.

Construction of Relay and its operation:

The following figure shows how a Relay looks internally and how it can be constructed,
On a casing, a core with copper windings (forms a coil) winded on it is placed. A movable armature consists of a spring support or stand like structure connected to one end, and a metal contact connected to another side, all these arrangements are placed over the core such that, when the coil is energized, it attracts the armature. The movable armature is generally considered as a common terminal which is to be connected to the external circuitry. The relay also has two pins namely normally closed and normally opened (NC and NO), the normally closed pin is connected to the armature or the common terminal whereas the normally opened pin is left free (when the coil is not energized). When the coil is energized the armature moves and is get connected to the normally opened contact till there exists flow of current through the coil. When it is de-energized it goes to its initial position.
The general circuit representation of the relay is as shown in the figure below:

Applications of Relay:

The applications of the relay are limitless, its main function is to control the high voltage circuit (230V circuit AC) with the low voltage power supply (a DC voltage).
  • Relays are not only used in the large electrical circuits but also used in the computer circuits in order to perform the arithmetic and mathematical operations in it.
  • Used to control the electric motor switches. To turn ON an electric motor we need 230V AC supply but in few cases/applications, there may be a situation to switch ON the motor with a DC supply voltage. In those cases, a relay can be used.
  • Automatic stabilizers are one of its applications where a relay is used. When the supply voltage is other than the rated voltage, set of relays sense the voltage variations and controls the load circuit with the help of circuit breakers.
  • Used for the circuit selection if there exists more than one circuit in a system.
  • Used in Televisions. An old picture tube television’s internal circuitry works with the DC voltage but the picture tube needs a very high AC voltage, in order to turn on the picture tube with a DC supply we can use a relay.
  • Used in the traffic signal controllers, temperature controllers.

Relay Relay Reviewed by Article on November 27, 2018 Rating: 5
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