Super Position Theorem

Super position Theorem:

This Theorem Finds Use In solving A network Where Two Or More Sources are Present  And Connected not in series or in parallel.

Superposition theorem:-

                             Superposition theorem states that in any linear, active, bilateral network having more than one source, the response across any element is the sum of the responses obtained from each source considered separately and all other sources are replaced by their internal resistance.The superposition theorem is used to solve the network where two or more sources are present and connected.

Steps For Solving a Network Using SuperPosition Theorem:

(i)Select a single source. Short other voltage sources and open the current sources, if internal impedances are not known .If Known, Replace Them By Their Internal Impedances.

(ii)Find Out The Current Through or voltage across the required element, due to the source unfder consideration.

(iii)Repeat The Individual effects produced by individual sources ti obtain The Total Current in Or Voltage across the element. 

Explanation of Superposition Theorem

Let us understand the superposition theorem with the help of an example. The circuit diagram shown below consists of a two voltage sources Vand V2.
First, take the source Valone and short circuit the Vsource as shown in the circuit diagram below
Here, the value of current flowing in each branch, i.e. i1’, i2’ and i3’ is calculated by the following equations.
The difference between the above two equations gives the value of the current i3’
Now, activating the voltage source Vand deactivating the voltage source V1 by short circuiting it, find the various currents, i.e. i1’’, i2’’, i3’’ flowing in the circuit diagram shown below

And the value of the current i3’’ will be calculated by the equation shown below
As per the superposition theorem the value of current i1, i2, i3 is now calculated as
Direction of current should be taken care while finding the current in the various branches.

Steps for Solving network by Superposition Theorem

Considering the circuit diagram A, let us see the various steps to solve the superposition theorem
Step 1 – Take only one independent source of voltage or current and deactivate the other source.
Step 2 – In the circuit diagram B shown above, consider the source E1and replace the other source E2 by its internal resistance. If its internal resistance is not given, then it is taken as zero and the source is short circuited.
Step 3 – If there is a voltage source than short circuit it and if there is a current source than just open circuit it.
Step 4 – Thus, by activating one source and deactivating the other source find the current in each branch of the network. Taking above example find the current I1’, I2’and I3’.
Step 5 – Now consider the other source E2 and replace the source E1 by its internal resistance ras shown in the circuit diagram C.
Step 6 – Determine the current in various sections, I1’’, I2’’ and I3’’.
Step 7 – Now to determine the net branch current utilizing the superposition theorem, add the currents obtained from each individual source for each branch.
Step 8 – If the current obtained by each branch is in the same direction than add them and if it is in the opposite direction, subtract them to obtain the net current in each branch.
Super Position Theorem Super Position Theorem Reviewed by Article on October 23, 2017 Rating: 5
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